Yes, we all admire Professor Jones' principled stance here. But, what she's done is really nothing new, either in academia or out here in the "real world." So-called "critical race theory" goes all the way back to W.E.B. Dubois' penetrating critiques of white supremacy. In more recent years, James Baldwin was relentless in calling out white folks for their hypocrisy, as was Toni Morrison, and so many others.
The difference today is merely that true and honest American "history" can no longer be hidden or denied by the likes of UNC's trustees.
It's also important to note something that Professor Jones said recently as she rejected UNC's offer and accepted Howard's: It's way passed time that we stop trying to get into white spaces where we know we are not wanted or appreciated. But, even that is not a "new" concept. We all know why there are "black" Baptist, Methodist, and even all-black Catholic churches, right -- cause the white churches segregated us or refused entry altogether.
Still, kudos and congrats to the new professor....and to you for breaking it all down so well.