Yep....I'm fully aware of those genetic studies, including the hybridization and co-existence of not just homo-sapiens and Neanderthals. Some researchers contend that even homo erectus was involved first and that's where the European version of "man" first evolved -- into Neanderthals. There were no Neanderthals in any part of Africa. There, after homo erectus came the Cro-Mags.
Famed astro-physicist Neil Degrasse Tyson likes to point out that the genetic (DNA) difference between homo sapiens of today and chimpanzees is less than three percent. Yet, he says, look at what a profound difference that three percent has made between chimps and us.
Likewise, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons in Europe had a similar DNA differential (yet, as you say) they could interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
It's that offspring that I'm talking about. As you say, look at how Europeans have ravaged the world since racing out of the backwaters of Europe 500+ years ago crossing the seas, raping, robbing, stealing, colonizing, enslaving, and exploiting any and everybody who didn't look, act, worship, or think like them.