Why Trump Lied About Scary Helicopter Landing

It’s not simply because he is a congenital liar.

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
4 min readAug 10, 2024
Image: trump.jpg

In a carefully choreographed “press conference” filled with blatant and obvious lies, and from the security of his Mar-a-Lago beachhead before a group of hand-picked “reporters, Trump told perhaps his most colorful and easily debunked and disprovable lie so far in his now fast-fading campaign for the presidency.

Trump’s demand (command?) that the media pay attention to him was an obvious and desperate attempt to distract reporters and the public from the ever-growing groundswell of support for Vice President Kamala Harris and her freshly minted running mate Minnesota governor Tim Walz.

Since Harris’ replacement of President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee for the job, she has far outpaced Trump in not only his beloved rally crowd numbers, but she has also more than doubled the small-dollar donations raised to fuel and fund her surging campaign. At this writing, she has as well signed up over 200,000 volunteers to help her bring this thing home.

But what irks…strike that…what frightens this “ratings”-obsessed reality TV “star” ex-president far more than anything else is that Vice President Kamala Harris, this black-Asian woman, has pulled even or slightly ahead of him in most polling.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.