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Why the White Right Loves Putin
It has nothing to do with the people of Ukraine, but everything to do with his manly white maleness
Cenk Uygur is boss over at “The Young Turks.” He recently posted a Tweet which drove right-wing “conservatives” right up Trump’s non-existent southern border wall.
Uygur says that the Republican Party, its far-right cable TV mouthpieces, and MAGA-ites generally, have adopted Russian President Vladimir Putin as a stand-in for Donald Trump, while they feverishly work to Jerry-rig the upcoming November midterm elections to retake Congress, and in preparation for Trump’s triumphant return to power in 2024.
Uygur has doubled-down on this assertion in the below video, which expands with exquisite detail exactly why these people are so enamored of Putin.
As most black people have always suspected, white right-wingers love them some Putin, despite (or perhaps because of) his authoritarianism, his disdain for democracy, for gays, his suspected murderous solutions for dissidents and, basically, for anybody and anyone who challenges him for any reason.
Putin’s invasion and rape of Ukraine, for the American white right, is, on the contrary, actually to be admired, and someday emulated within the dark and dangerous “urban” enclaves (aka…