
Whether it's a willful ignorance or just plain old ignorance, you miss (or avoid) the author's point entirely. White racism, white supremacy have been the driving force behind global economics, politics, culture and religion since at least 1492.

The "re"-election of Trump as funded by today's supreme white supremacist, Elon Musk (I call him Muskrat), is simply the latest manifestation of this now more than 500-year-old "problem."

Re-read this essay. Then do some serious thinking and reading before you opine on a history and present that you obviously do not understand -- or do not wish to understand.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Written by Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.

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