Well....BLM's homosexuality doesn't bother me. My position on gay people has always been "as long as they don't mess with me or mine, I don't care what they do behind closed doors." Besides, some of our best and greatest writers and artists have been gay. James Baldwin comes immediately to mind.
No. But BLM's corruption, as you point out, does bother me. Seems that all of the original founders are now millionaires with million dollar cribs, while the victims' families they're supposed to represent and advocate for are left begging for money --money that was supposedly
raised on their behalf.
As for States Attorney Kim Foxx, believe me, she can take care of herself. I'm hoping she'll run for Mayor so that we can correct the mistake we made by electing Lori Lightfoot. Her (our) "mistake"? Not her gayness, but her policies. One example should do: Chicago got a ton of money for Covid relief last year. Lightfoot gave $288 million to the cops, the same cops that hate her guts.
As always, 'preciate your honesty.