This history helps explain why so many so-called white people today are so suddenly, curiously, against "one-person-one-vote," (real democracy)….why they love gerrymandering and the electoral college.
You see, as long as black people were not allowed to vote, or their votes were not considered as valid as white folks' votes, then most white people were just fine with "democracy."
All one has to do is look at where Trump and company are challenging vote counts, where they most wish to impose "voter ID" laws, where they want to outlaw absentee voting, etc., etc.,, and it's there, right there, where large numbers of black people live, that "democracy" is being challenged most.
Again, this is why white people are just fine with gerrymandering and the electoral college. These “constitutional” “tools” give them a built-in, a structural “political” edge and advantage, even as they face “minority” status in the not too distant future; and even as most of ’em have moved out of the cities and into the suburbs and exburbs (to get away from black and brown people) — or into the heretofore thinly populated areas of the far North, West and South West.