The scales are finally falling from the eyes of black people in Chicago about this man. Many of us are asking just exactly what did Obama's presence in the "White" House do for us?
Case in point: Whenever he visited Chicago as president, he ALWAYS stayed in the big hotels downtown and never--not even once-- ventured into the black ghetto. As you point out, whever he did deign to speak about "race," it was ALWAYS to criticize black people, basically for not being white enough, or for upsetting white people with our "radical" demands.
Had Obama just once stood on the corner of Martin Luther King Drive and whatever street, and told those guys to put their guns down because here's some good paying federal jobs I brought along with me; here's some technical or trade school grants; here's some Section 8 housing vouchers, etc., etc...well...the now virtual "war zone" in Chicago would have disappeared overnight. And he could have done all of this and more through "Executive Order" without having to go through the white supremacists in Congress.
As you know, I've also written about this guy here: I argue that all Obama did for black folks was get elected.
You pay it forward, however, and indicate that he actually, consciously, hurt black people.
I could not agree more.