The real reason whites are so apprehensive about the coming “demographic” change is fear. They are afraid, deathly afraid, that once they become just another “minority” group just like all other groups, that those other groups will band together and treat whites the same way whites have always treated them. It’s called vengeance, retribution, payback, etc.
The reality, though, is far different from what most white people feel, foresee, think and feel: Black, brown, red and yellow people are not now and have never been interested in “getting even” with white people. Oh sure, there have been “angry black men” and women, and angry Native Americans, and Asians, etc. who have always hated white people for what they (white people) have done and continue to do to this world. But those people have never constituted a majority of any minority group, and have always been drowned out by those who simply want to “get along,” to live and let live.
Besides, even when white peoples’ numbers fall below majority status, they will still control most of the money, guns, political, cultural and economic institutions — just as white South Africans (the “Afrikaners”) still do there despite their decided “minority” status — although that, too, is slowly changing.