Sorry...your attempt at "whataboutism" doesn't fly. Nor does your attempt to distract from Trump's traitorous violation of the Sedition Act, not just in this case, but over the course of his entire so-called presidency.
Let me guess here: Would you have the same forgiving attitude if ex-prez Obama did the same thing(s) Trump has done here and did in the past?
Your racism is showing...but then Trump has allowed you to do so.
Once he's finally convicted of at least one of the 91 charges -- NINETY-ONE -- by a jury of his peers or a duly elected or appointed judge, what then?
Will you take to the streets? Will you sign up for a renewed Civil War?
How does any rational human being look at this man and see anything other than a life-long racist criminal?
Oh...I know...other democracy-deniers, strong-man worshipers, and, of course, other racists.
Don't bother responding. I've heard and read it all before -- too many times.