Obama got more death threats and actual assassination attempts than all 43 presidents who preceded him--combined. At his insistence, the FBI and Secret Service only publicized the three or four most obvious ones.
This country is irredeemably racist (read: anti-black). White people ("liberals" especially) keep telling us that "things" will change, will get better. It's been over 400 years and "things" have not gotten better. The majority, the vast majority of white people are simply unable and unwilling to accept black people as human beings.
Too harsh? Explain Trump's 75 million votes then. It was not the result of "economic anxiety," taxes, inflation, etc., etc., ad nauseum. It was and remains anti-black white supremacy and white racism.
Same goes for DeSantis and the entire Republican Party. If you are still a Republican after Trump, you are a white racist/white supremacist.