
My "activism" goes back to the early '60s. At 72, my marching and protesting and in-your-face "militancy" has just about been spent -- physically.

James Baldwin was asked once why he didn't show up at more demonstrations and "events". His response: "I'm merely a witness." (Not to compare myself to that towering literary giant, but that, in these my seasoned citizenship days, is about all I can do now -- witness...and write...and publish).

There's a whole new and eager and "active" generation poised, primed and ready to pick up where we left off and maybe....just maybe get this thing -- this "social justice" thing -- right after all.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Written by Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.

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