It's white people like Frank Sinatra who put to the lie the notion, the idea, the rock-hard belief of many black people and others that all so-called "white" people are evil demons --devils. Frank Sinatra, John Brown, Viola Liuozzo (sp), Miss Swayze (my first grade teacher), and countless others, don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk of anti-racism (not just "non"-racism).
The problem is, tho, and always has been, that white people like Sinatra and John Brown have always been and remain a distinct and often powerless minority among white people. That is, these folk never constitute the majority of white people; and they certainly have never been the most powerful among white people — powerful in the sense that they can and would force their racist brethren and sisters to, as my mother used to say, “cut all that racist shit out.”