Interesting point. But I think you miss (or misunderstand) my point.
In this “society,” there has always and ever been only one “standard” for all manner of jobs, positions. A white male standard, created by and for white men. Sure…a few of us (including Dubois’ tainted “Talented Tenth” and black elite standard) have always managed to “prove” to white folks…white men…that we are “qualified” and “worthy” to be in their presence.
Once you understand and acknowledge and accept that the whole concept of “race” and modern-day sexism were invented specifically to deny anybody who’s not white, who’s not male, who’s not a bonafide and “approved” member or supporter of the white patriarchy, “standards” become subjective and dependent on whether those selfsame white men (who always have the final say-so) “like” you or not — regardless of your degrees, experience, or anything else that one would consider “qualifying.”
By the way, and just FYI, my “opinion” is based on a Masters Degree in political science, and 73 years of lived experience with this stuff.