Interesting. I'm an old black guy (75) and I recall vividly that back in the roaring '60s (especially on college campuses), young white guys and gals were all about "Tune In, Turn On & Drop Out," "Make Love Not War," "Love, Sex, and Rock & Roll!"
The Civil Rights Movement energized the anti-Vietnam War movement, the women's liberation movement, the gay liberation movement, etc. Many of those folk marched and occasionally rioted right along with us as we ended America's version of racial apartheid. Hell, we thought the revolution had finally come.
But one of the leaders on my campus (Indiana U) warned us: He told us not to get too close to these white kids, because when Nixon lowered the boom on all manner of protests, starting with black protests, these white kids will cut their long hair, trade in their tie-dyed jeans and flowered shirts for suits and ties and "business" attire. Then they will go back home to their fathers' and uncles' farms and businesses and leave us black kids to face Nixon's wrath.
He was absolutely right. Those young, "liberal" even "radical" white guys of the '60's and '70''s are today's old, “conservative,” entitled, white guys and not a few old, “conservative,” entitled, white gals.