
commentsI was with you until this final sentence. How can any black voter, including those you name, believe, think, or even hope that a vote for Trump (or any Republican) is in their "own self-interest"? Handler is right. "50 Cents" does not think in terms of black solidarity, but like GOPers everywhere, "individulalism" "trumps" everything -- even self-destructive individualism. This is a strain and stain on "blackness" that has plagued us from at least 1619 to date.

Thought provoking comeents. Thanks.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Written by Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.

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