I (and most black people) contend that there is another very salient reason that so many so-called "white" people are against the teaching of America's true and unadulterated history:
If the horrors of slavery, Jim Crow, share cropping, tenant farming, convict leasing, lynching, deliberate mis-education of blacks, browns and reds, redlining, super-violent white "riots" against black success, church bombings, bombing and burning out of black individuals from "white" neigborhoods, deliberate creation of impoverished urban ghettoes in favor of the creation of prosperous, lily white boom-towns and lily-white suburbs, mass imprisonment, systematic police abuse, genocide of Native Americans, the wholesale theft of their lands -- once these "things" become widely known....then...what?
Here the "R-Word" comes into view. Reparations. The word that very, very few so-called "white" people (on the right, far right, left or far left, or somewhere in between) dare to utter.