Black people are sooooo tired of making this point, of trying to get "you people" to understand this simple truth:, but I am gonna say it one LAST time: We KNOW most white people did not rape, rob, pillage, enslave and murder black people. We KNOW that you, as an individual, did not personally steal "Indian" lands and then force them off it and/or kill most of them, etc.
But ALL of these atrocities were done in your name and for your benefit. And, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you accept it or not, whether you want to or not, you, and all white people, BENEFIT from the sins of your ancestors, your parents, grandparents, great great grandparents, etc.
The very land your home stands on is stolen property. Doesn't matter how much you paid for it; doesn't matter how "hard" you worked for it.... it's still stolen.
If you and all or any "white" people don't understand this, it's because you don't want to understand it. That's a form of "cognitive dissonance" and willful ignorance. By denying history, the "bad" parts of history, white people are able to sleep at night and pretend that there is nothing they can do today to change anything.
May I suggest that you all do some "critical" reading and "critical" thinking?