Before I started writing on Medium two years ago, I had been with for about three years. At about six months before they went completely defunct and shut the whole thing down, they did the exact same thing that Medium is doing right now...a gradual downgrading of "social justice" (read: calling out white supremacy) topics and writers. I went from a high of $3K per month down to $100 or less.
Same thing here....and it's so obvious. You point out the thing that we (black, brown, red and yellow) writers, and those "woke" white writers like Tim Wise ,experience each and every time we step on too many white male toes with our analyses. (By the way, whatever happened to Tim on Medium)?
Finally, it's been my experience that as long as white males control everything, nothing really changes. They skew and direct and demand that "profit" is paramount; that "winning" (making money) is all that ever counts.
My Medium numbers and money have not just dwindled but plummeted since this latest "change" back in October — down to almost nothing...and it's not because I've changed. They've decided, as you put it, that their target readership is simply not interested in or too embarrassed by what guys (and ladies like you) have to say --ABOUT THEM.