
And no living black person was ever a slave.

But here's what white people...yes, all so called "white" people, refuse to accept or understand or believe, whether they are rich, poor, or in between: All white people benefit from institutional, structural, systemic white supremacy whether they know it or not, whether they want to or not.

Conversely, all black people -- every last one of us --rich, poor or in between, STILL suffer because of white supremacy.

No? Ask any of your "liberal" to "radical" white friends if they would trade places with any black person.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Written by Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.

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